Y Nice meeting you as well. I agree, Dennis has been my wood heat Yoda since I first came across his posts in a old forum I used to be a member...
The start date of my burn season is entirely dependent on my wife. So, "cool nights" is relative. It was 50 here last night. She was cold. We...
Good idea. Thanks. Don't think I've ever heard of burning a fire top down. In your experience do the logs at the bottom catch well? Ever any...
Thanks Beetle. Just the detail I was looking for. Silver Maple is my "soft wood". Not soft buy Colorado standards. But, I don't have evergreens...
Welcome Cody! I love splitting wood but living in baja and playing poker for a living would be hard give up.
Any special way you load the stove for the short burns? I usually stuff the stove in the winter so north/south full bottom row. Would you start...
Do any of you have a catalytic stove that you do short, overnight burns in. I'd like to try it in shoulder season but was hoping someone had some...
Burning over night tonight here in north western Missouri. ( only because the wife is part lizard)
I'm all about being tough, but, 55 below? damm, you can keep that! Wow
Got some stove paint slapped on her today. Doesn't look perfect. But the steel was a bit pitted. Should out last me though![ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
It's a 50 Chevy. But just in body alone. It's got a 455 olds in it. It's long long. Did I mention long? Way from being done. It runs and rolls and...
I know right? I'm a little worried it might blow across the yard in a good wind! By my note pad calculations (super scientific) finished empty...
The smoke box is 2x2x7 including the stub legs. She's a bit of a beast weight wise too. I got carried away.
ive been working on a smoker. Built it out of reclaimed plate steel. It's finally far enough along to share some pics. More to come[ATTACH][ATTACH]
Hurricane draft huh? Must have been a firestorm in the box
This post is classic Backwoods Savage. Always teaching. Even if "only"telling his story. Thanks Dennis
Split that Hedge! Or should I say rocket fuel!
Thanks my friend. I got laid off in September and the wife and I said heck with it and traveled for about 2 months. I found new work and have...
My setting after burn in is about 1.25 when its in the teens and 20's. When it gets to zero or below I set at the N in Normal. At 1.25 I get 36...
We will beat you by a little Here in NW Missouri, Grizz. We are looking at a high of 10 tomorrow and 4 or 5 inches of snow to go with it.