Most are oak. I see some poplar and a little pine.only prob is fresh skids are green and they need to sit out and weather a year. I've been able...
Lol. I got shut down at another place down the street 3 or 4 years ago. Guy who ran the dock didn't care but dude in the office that spotted me...
I posted a pic on the stove Tetris thread of my Sierra full of square wood and thought I'd show what I'm burning. There is a fab shop down the...
That's funny. I go to a factory near where I work and cut up the large skids they are getting rid of. I'LL have to take some pics next time I'm there.
Here's an all nighter.[ATTACH]
Welcome. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.
So I don't disrupt the ecosystem while cutting. :wacky:
I'll have to find pics but I have a 023L that is a quiet model. Muffler has a tube in it and air filter has baffles also. Here is the thread I...
Good thing you got that picture when you did. Family and I just came through today and the sign is gone. :( [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Very nice. Deep roots are cool.
I'll bet if you take it to backwood savages Gtg you'll get rid of it.
Ill be there for sure.
Dont worry Dex they arent after you. They are after Andrew and his gravel spilling dumptruck that rumbles thru our quiet little town dirtying the...
Nice job keepin a classic running.:yes:
Nice pics Dex. They reminded me of your fine gtg that you had. :thumbs:
You are right. Large fingers,poor proofreading bound to make mistake. Thanks.
Sure was. And he doesn't even know yet. Lol
DexterDay works in the city that I work for so technically his companies taxes bought this today. MS361CM with 20 inch 3/8 pitch bar. Believe it...
My sons girlfriend asked me to put new plates on her car. Sign from wood gods ?[ATTACH]
Nice. We need more pics please.