All set running great , parts for less .
Thank you
Exhaust blower making a high pitch noise , I've tried to lubricant but only last a couple of days . Where can I get a good deal on one?
You got me , Turman Hardwood Pellets | Turman Hardwood Flooring
Turman is an excellent pellet . I believe it's all oak . There are some great hardwood Turman's and Somersets are two of the best . Yes softwoods...
I see we have the same stove . I've had mine for about 5 years no complaints except it seem to need frequent cleanings even with high quality...
Thank you :cheers:, sounds like your enjoying yourself as well
Early Spring as soon as it's not being used at least a couple hours a day . I find if you don't clean the ash and cover the vent pipe early the...
Just wanted to say hello my pellet friends
I was an EZ Blaze fan until they were hard to get in my area and the price got unreasonable . I now use Vermont softwood and fine they perform...
Burning what's left of the Platinums .
I have 2 humidors with cigars that have been aging for at least 5 years so time to start smoking :smoke:
One of my favorites .
I have 9 bags left so on the hunt for maybe 10 more bags :whistle:
I love em the cleanest and hottest pellet I've burnt this year :fire:
Last load for the season 25 bags of Vermont's