That looks like a lot of fun!
Welcome! You'll enjoy this forum!
Happy thanksgiving everyone!
Lemonade for me
I love planting trees. the thought that someone will be able to use the trees in another 50-70 years is awesome
I’m picking up 4 tomorrow thanks
awesome! When it opens back up I'll order some items!
Yeah I’d want the comp cart if I were to get one. I want to buy one and get at least 8-10 years out of it with how much they are thanks I will...
225-250.00 for a cord of seasoned oak in central illinois extra $25.00 for delivery up to 25 miles.
Who uses the Yoder YS640S? I'm thinking about ordering one from all things bbq. I have two hogs butchered every year and a 1/4 of a cow. I...
Are there Firewood Hoarders Club shirts? The logo would look pretty good on one! If so, can someone direct me to the area to purchase a few ?...
Check out heatmasters new g4000 You can’t go wrong with central boiler, heat master, or crown royal. I’d talk to all 3 dealers near you. I’ll...
That’s awesome! I’ve yet to come across ash. All the tree companies hang on to it in my area.
I found a Facebook group and several guys have the same stoves. They love them. They all said it will dump out some serious heat. But times 10-12...
Sorry if i posted this in the wrong section
White oak is my absolute favorite to split and burn. It smells so good!
A local tree guy was giving away elm and I jumped all over it. He said it splits Easy and burns hot. LOL!!! NEVER again it was the toughest wood...
That’s a good looking load of logs!!!
40’s here Supposed to get down in the 30’s tonight.
So i came across this old wood burner on Facebook. A lady was giving it away for free. I went and picked it up. She said 44 others had messaged...