Finally cleaned the glass [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Purchased treated 4x4s. Everything else was untreated. No additional treatment applied to posts.
Quick dimensions: 24’ wide x 12’ deep x 7’-10’ high (3:12 pitch). Creates 3 bays that hold just over 6 cords each. The first bay I filled only as...
I’ll double check tomorrow and get back to you.
Thanks again, this is a done deal mid-Feb.
There is 18” or so of overhang. A little rain or snow won’t hurt the wood or slow it’s drying. I try to stay 1 fire ahead on my wood cart that...
I fill it with freshly split wood so I only handle it once.
Almost took a shot of the heater last night but I’ve been lazy and the glass is dirty. Will get some shots next time I clean it.
Built a carry all this year. Haven’t filled it yet but I’m pleased with the overall design. Standard farm store carry-all frame with 2x lumber for...
BTU Possessor: Finally got a shot of the shed for the forum. From left to right: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022 [IMG] From right to left:...
I wanted one of these a while back but they seem to be gone from any retailer’s inventories now.
I have a lot of Elm on my property. I’ve always heard the same things mentioned here. Will have to give it a try. I’ll post back in a couple years...
I recognize those doors. Looks like a stove from Eric at Solid Rock in MN. I have an SR-22 with two doors and a black oven. Great appliance for...
My Kubota B2710 does not have a quick attach bucket so I have clamp on forks from One of the best cheap implements I own. I can...
We had a huge cottonwood that had to come down when running power to my place. PoCo took it down and left me the cordwood. It’s a very wet wood...
Yes. I’m heading out of town in a couple weeks so I’ll pry get it after I return. Want to make the most of the 30 day return policy.