I must have got a good one i guess ,mine pulls a 36 inch bar fine dogged in ,before it was ported with the stock opening made bigger and a dual...
not bad ,i need to get one of those fancy tach things ,i have a couple saws that sound like they rev pretty good with a 32 burried ripping ,kind...
I am not sure why everyone says the 660 is so gutless ,they are not made for a 20 inch bar for one ,put a real bar on them and let them do what...
That was in the cut right :coffee:
Ripping chain comes semi,the round corner gives a little smoother cut for finish
look at the difference in width of the ripping chain on the left (carlton) and stihl rsc on the right ,if a guy was making one of them racing...
Can the head be machined enough to clean up the chips ?
when i looked close at those cutters ,i think they cut made my eyes bleed ......
I was cutting soft woods,a lot of wet alder also,that stuff cuts super easy,the main log on the alders was 20-24 inches
I normally wait till about 3 sharpening to grind the gullets out on a work chain,the one in the pics self Fed real nice,not sure if rakers height...
It does ,but that chain lasted a long time for square,does the side beak help with that ?
this chain was one that was happy cutting ,and was hand filed ,it self fed nice ,and i got 2 days out of it before some dirt got it ,you can see...
another trick to line up the corner i use is the bottom of the file slightly grazes the tie straps or real close to the straps
is it possible to get an image of how you are holding the file on the cutter ? are you filing outside in so you can get your corner ?
that cutter reminds me of a beavers front 2 front teeth ready to devour a tree
question Matt ,do hardwoods need a less steep cutter to work right ? everything i cut is pretty soft normally so i can go pretty aggressive on the...
I am going to learn how to sharpen round
how did you get a file in there to sharpen the gullet ?
That chain looks pizzed off