I'm not looking forward to doing the head studs, but I have probably done worse. I'm also going to further complicate things by painting the frame...
It will hopefully sooner than later. I've only had it a year, looking this. I've had people laugh at me. I have a nice bed for it. I also scored...
Did you say piece of junk? I had to park next to the Corvette, lol. [IMG] Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
It would be cool if someone had time to make a map, then when someone said they had a fire put a dot with the date on it in their location. It...
Better? [IMG] Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I've had two people comment on the video, on youtube, and they both said they had wood stacked and in a pile, and there was no difference in the...
My a/c is on right now.
My neighbor treats his hay with something so he can put it up wet, if he has to. I'm not sure what he uses, but that article says it can put of...
A little leak is normal. Take the bar off and there is a little valve that equalizes the pressure in the tank. Use something small to push on the...
What causes hay to heat up as it is drying?
My stove likes smaller splits. The large splits create big coals. I'm not sure how hot it could get but I wonder if it holds heat. Have you ever...
Nice trailer! Is that a 16 foot?
That is some really dry wood! That is interesting the stacked and the pile were the same MC. This Pile had 8+ cords in it. The pile came out to...
So, next year if I have a pile then stack some next to the pile, how much should I stack? Would a 1/4 or 1/2 cord be enough? Then how should I...
I have a feed conveyor with a belt. The paddles were mostly ripped off when I got it, so I made my own wooded paddles for it. So far I have over...
I made a video showing how dry the firewood is in my pile. The pile was about 8 cords, and now is down to about 2 cords. [MEDIA]
IDK, I'm just trying to make firewood great again. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Here is a load of organic, gluten free, non GMO, non H0M0, seasoned firewood.[IMG] Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Thanks, for the good feedback on the video. Earlier this year I got a log grapple and I cut this last load out of the grapple and it seemed to...
Dump trailer for reasons that have already been mentioned. I don't think it is a good idea to put a load on a truck, then hook a loaded trailer...