I have to ask if I am ok since yesterday I went and cut off 3 Poplar trees which the wind pushed over and also 2 real bad leaning ones.I have...
Just loaded a couple of my new racks with what I consider pallet wood(5'x10' pallets which had sheet steel on them)it sure felt strange cutting up...
Yes all kidding aside as long as no one got hurt that is the main thing and we all can learn from it for the future.
Also on the plus side the wood was up off the ground making for easy cutting into pieces.. I agree at times things go so smooth and then Bam we...
Thank you for that shout out Eric. I actually have more trees than I could ever cut down but they are mainly Poplar.I at times will just drive...
Thank you I now have 26 units and hope to build 10 more over the next 6 months>year then will be able to rack 3 years worth directly from the saw...
I have but I have 3 tractors with front end loaders on them.The biggest is rated to lift 4000 lbs to the top and the other 2 around 2000 to the...
Na the old skid steer will not pick them up when loaded I have to use our big farm tractor.
Yes they are waiting for me to get my 3pt hitch Buzz saw and of coarse for the weather to cool off as I think it will be winter of 2020/21 before...
Those are baby chickens which I hope will be productive comes fall. No on the stain is a coating of 5w20 from my pickup trucks last oil change
Here is my pile for this winter not a great bunch of stacks but the last of the wood just tossed from now forward it all goes into racks.[ATTACH]...
Here is my contribution to the slabwood picture library and sorry the picture is not clear since I have stacked it in a shed so it will remain...
Hello guys and I have to admit I have been here a while and have learned a bunch also.I have now made 2 sets of racks for the fire wood so I do...
correction 2 wagons not 3 opps
I bought 8 bundles a few weeks ago and loaded them on 3 wagons like that one.it pulled heavier than when we put 31 round bales on them i was...
I was wondering the same thing with the rack.I even said why bother my wood stove burns very well with no rack.
I have used it in the past for wood stove and it is nice. This year I found a good supply of it in 8'lenghts which I buy for 35 a bundle 4x3x8'...