Chooch life!
Ive had black locust up to 4 feet diameter
Black locust matters!! The bark when dried well is excellent kindling
Ive seen bark 4 inches thick
Thanks for the support. The man in control here has sold out to the orbalists. Somehow, I made it down there, 4 hour drive one way...I didn't put...
Hello fellow Canuck, Go CANADA! Its insane here! Half nation is showing up to soy boy's front door :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol::rofl:...
A little narrow in the woodyard, but I make it happen
Ha! I'm close to the Don Valley Parkway so downtown is a breeze unless its peak hour. I'm close to 401 too so I can get to all 4 edges of the city...
Thank you, looks like XXL beat me to it! Where are you at XXL? I'm in Toronto
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"...
Thank you sir! I love the raw connection to humanity that trees/firewood brings. Wish I could live in the country, but oh well, I'm representing...
Thank you, took about 30 hours!
I was wondering how to do that
Red oak
Red oak. You can tell because the heartwood looks like someone notched slits into it with a razor blade. This pattern or more prevalent in the...
It needs a sleeve made out of bolted together plates, I was thinking of gussets all around the table top
thanks for the tips. If only the welder knew hydraulics. He works for TTC bus/streetcar/ subway here in for Toronto so he's good but not allround