Nice pictures, nice wood. I found myself cutting in the snow a couple of times early in my woodcutting career. It was for a friend who could...
Rain will not penetrate very far into dry wood because it runs off so quickly. Continuous contact with melting snow will probably penetrate...
I too hate to have to re-light. Fatwood used to be my preferred re-start fuel. Now I'm using thin Ponderosa bark. It contains just enough pitch to...
Improvements fall into two main categories, those that increase speed and those that reduce strain. The former are nice (important if you're...
I use my pickaroon for retrieving rounds out of the truck, once in a while for rolling. It doesn't usually go with me when I go out cutting. My...
I use skidding tongs, they grab and release automatically. [IMG] [MEDIA]
Yep, sniff tailpipes etc.
Regarding the failure, it was probably coming for a while. Blame it on that 35 ton splitter. Do much sideways splitting Frank?
Nice looking welds, plenty hot. I think it kind of depends on the amperage available. It's hard to get a puddle like yours with a 180 amp machine,...
I wish! I'm down in Modesto freezing my a$$ off, wishing I was home where it's warm. Doesn't look like much yet. [IMG]
Frank, the only oak I've encountered that was that tough was dried about 6 years. Was that Valley or Live Oak?
Thats 2 of them fake cords people back east talk about.
Living in the mountains, the choices are propane, kerosene, electric or wood. My work takes me into lots of homes. In the winter I can tell if...
One advantage that I've not heard anybody mention is that wood is not a fossil fuel, and the CO2 released is from "modern" carbon. When I say...
That plow looks like it is old enough to be the tractor's grandfather. Sort of a May - December pairing. Mine is more age appropriate. [ATTACH]
I still participate at the other sites, but this is definitely where I feel at home. I can't believe these things are still being debated. Bark...
[ATTACH] 1. Snow tires mounted - check 2. Snow plow mounted on truck - check 3. Chains on truck - check 4. 3 years wood supply under cover -...
I have the Redmax G5300, which is supposed to be a Husqvarna 353 (IIRC) with a red hat. I bought it new about 5 years ago. It has been a great...
I'm just surprised that a firewood vendor would go to this much trouble.
It all comes down to space vs. time. If plenty of space and limited time, stack 1 course wide. If limited space and plenty of time, stack 3...