So blessed with 3 days of blissfull weather, I took today off to cut and the governor gave us tomorrow off and Monday is WV day so I got a 5 day...
What mat60 means if you are presented with wood that is proclaimed as seasoned, split a split, if that moisture meter reads near 20%, you’re just...
Welcome VTAbstoluteSteel , you’re gonna like it here, I guarantee it…we love dogs, pics and beer…We are good at enabling, love to spend your money...
Thats a beaut Clarke! Great looking stove. Eager to hear about it’s performance.
Zero Turns also free up rounds of golf! Horkn is a very deliberative and contemplative chap, remember how long it took to get the right truck? He...
Horkn , with respect to time spent mowing, going from the slow Wheel Horse w/48” cut to the Toro Z Master w/“52 my time was cut literally in half,...
I’m sorry, reviewing thread, my machine is 14 yrs old, have never replaced a belt-one small hydro seal leak, one tire replaced, two batteries...
Thats a beaut Clarke! My seat is certainly not that cushy-but my machine is now 11 years old, its adequate and comfortable but dang…thats a sweet...
Horkn - I have a Toro 52” cut, 7 gauge deck with 19 HP Kawasaki-I was a Wheel Horse man for years mowing my 3 acres of lawn every week-I have the...
Ok, sorry jrider You now officially suck…:whistle:
Nothing better than when some ash drops by. Nice score! I have 1 cord left and prospects of getting more grow less all the time in these parts.
I absolutely love the smell of red oak, so much I’m bummed when it starts to fade away. Autumn olive is a plague akin to kudzu.
Same here Ron T , had frost warning last night and projected into the 30’s next 2 nights. It’s supposedly out of here for good next week, longest...
Sincere condolences, most of us have been there and its one of the worst feelings in the world.
Could not do it without hydraulics Woodsnwoods , time has taught me…Its not about how tough I am, it’s about how smart I can be….Far from smart,...
Eh, I cut hickory when I want to, its prob 20% of my stacks right now-my best friend is a professional logger, was my catcher in baseball-if I...
Sorry for the duplicates-site acting wonky or ignorance on my end-Hope all are well!
Posted pics of a LWB load of hickory and chestnut oak I cut a couple weeks ago-really pleased with what it yielded..approx 1/3 cord-so 2 more...
I see another occasion to burn coming early next week so I’m not able to shut the stove down yet and clean for the season-low 40’s at night on the...
Absolutely Sir Backwoods Savage - its here! Last week I posted about extended burning due to nights in the 20’s and today it was 87*. Also big...