Makes sense on cottonwood, thanks. There were several of those but I did see two huge shagbark hickory but they were underneath others. That...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Highway project by my house and they are clearing a ton of trees, all just...
Anyone try this? It would seem to solve a problem... Chainsawbuddy Chainsaw Firewood Cutting Attachment
I ended up buying the stihl pro splitting mail which is rebranded Ochsenkopf. Really nice quality, no loosening of the hardware, nice metal guard...
I went back out there 30 minutes later and it actually was off. Must just take a while....
[ATTACH] Thanks for all the advice. This thread is quite old but it took me that long to pull the trigger. Picked it up last weekend. Pj 16+2...
I know people like to see what was actually bought after advice was given. Sorry for the delay. 20 hours on her already. Been happy with it so...
True. My Dixie did just fine. Also I live in Indiana so hill is a stretch...
Thanks all. I think I have settled on the Scag tiger cat II with the 32hp Briggs vanguard. Plan on finalizing this tomorrow and getting delivered...
Good point. On the old Dixie, it certainly beats the crap out of me. I was hoping the new ones with spring forks and cushioned seat would be an...
Good point. $3200 for full motor replace. The issue is that hydraulics were a bit rough before and I just struggle with paying $3200 on a 13yr...
Well my 2007 Dixie chopper apparently threw a rod and slammed the piston into the spark plug. So looking for new mower. Local dealer has 3...
Anyone have any strong opinions about PJ trailers, AMO, Corn-pro, sure-trac, load-trail, big Tex, or others? Seems like there are dozens of them,...
Good advice and appreciate the response from all. I have a 2015 f-250 gas so towing up to 10k lbs should be no issue and that would rarely/never...
just saw this one after I posted. Very nice. would love a dump trailer like that, with the ability to do that as well. Just seemed like no...
Thanks all for the thoughts. I went and looked at it last night and it was a bit rougher in person. Wheels were rusted steel with pain coming...
Continue to look for a do all trailer for trash/housewares/mulch/stone zero turn, 4 wheeler and of course wood. I could get away with a Rural...
Thanks for info/advice all. Much appreciated! I didn’t get a chance yesterday, couldn’t get off work early enough. Hopefully today.
[ATTACH] Thank you!! No weights. Wheels look decent and tires look newer. I will be back tomorrow get a better look. I never see anything...
Saw a guy with a Kubota L245 for sale for $2500 with Woods mower attachment and boom. Probably could get for around $2k. Really clean looking....