Looks like cool people with Paul Bunyan photos definitely think alike
Decided to check the temperatures in the three places we are looking at for retirement. The place in Northern Minnesota-19, our current location...
I’ve lived in Minnesota my entire life and always loved the winters. I enjoy ice fishing and hunting in the snow and other outdoor activities ....
Does anyone have any advice or certain areas I should look at? I’m looking for about 25-60 acres of wooded land. I’m ok with secluded areas or...
My bad, I had it taken apart to clean it up. Everything’s there and in working order, I just haven’t put it back together yet.
I definitely wasn’t expecting it, the best part was the huge smile on his face.
I was talking with the wife’s grandpa over Christmas about chainsaws and cutting firewood. They live in northern Minnesota and have roughly 120...
I'm sure they’re afraid of someone getting hurt and the pending lawsuits. I’m sure everyone would gladly sign a wavier releasing them from any...
I never went through City Hall, I just asked the attendant and they were good with it. Winnebago has a nice one too and they leave theirs open.
I have an Aunt and Uncle that live in Titonka, and a buddy from the cabin who lived in Algona . It really is a small world class
Can we at least agree that we hate the Badgers
I’m 9 miles from the Iowa line, south central Minnesota
I ended up getting most of my ideas vetoed by the responsible adult of the household.
1 F real feel -14, fireplace is going and it is feeling awesome
That was at the local compost site, I never got a chance to grab it. The City actually locks the gate to the site. On the bright side they at...
1 F, real feel of -9, went out and got a few more of the problem pieces broke down. It definitely helps when it’s this cold.
Thank you, I’m glad I found this forum. I’ve just started with firewood and I’m enjoying all the information on here. I helped with the...
11 F , snowing and 20 mph winds. (Minnesota)