32 degrees and a little bit of everything on the ground this AM.
Right now I'm processing a white pine that I used to climb in as a kid. Fell out of it too. It was struck by lightning and split. I counted the...
Thanks for the post, it explains the cut very well.
I'll have to give that a shot
I read a news story once about grizzlies getting into corn that was dumped when a train derailed..the corn had fermented and old griz was...
Midwinter drain that pool and have the neighborhoods biggest fire pit. You wouldn't have to split them quit so small then.
Depending on the time I have available I'll process down to 1". Mostly I stop @ the 2" mark. I have resorted to raiding brush piles to extend the...
Mine is for single use only...no sharing allowed
I grabbed a couple of seed pods last year and left them on the truck bumper when I got home. They ended up in the woods and I now have a couple of...
Mmmmmm olives :drool:
Iff = off in english
Lop iff the edges...it works :)
Never heard it called a sissy stick before (I always just called it a holder)...my vocabulary is expanding :)
Yesterday I was moving the eastern white pine I finished splitting a couple of weeks ago. Most of it I split fine for the arch and I swear most of...
Marshel54 I don't have a cat stove so can't offer you any advice on performing maintenance, but I do know that a functioning cat will burn through...
I spotted a couple trucks at the 99 on 101A having lunch