Red Maple. I have a ton of it growing here. Two trees just feet apart will have completely different bark. They cross breed with other maples...
Nice saw! I didn't know County Stores dealt in Echo...good to know. They are the closest Stihl dealer to me since Shepard's closed down. I love...
I can remember digging through the snow and pulling apart brush piles in March and April to find burnable wood. The acceptable size for burnable...
Woodsman are you running vac on those lines or gravity?
Not much twist to this. It actually split into some pretty uniform blocks to aid in cribbing the ends.
Rare for me as well. If I find any it's either kindling size or rotted by the time it's found. This will be my first birch birc of any significance...
Most of the birch around here never gets much bigger than 3 or 4 inches before it gets destroyed by ice and snow. This one was around 14 inches...
I could walk through my backyard and end up in NH and have passed up on some nice roadside scores just because they were over the state line. I...
I had six of those in the maple I split over the weekend. All grew together to form one tree and all separated into 3 inch rounds during the...
Why so low to the ground? Can't you leave an inch or two the tractor should clear it? If your dragging wood could you beat on it with an old ax to...
Yeah those pileated woodpeckers are big and look and almost sound like Woody woodpecker. Better get that locust before the warm weather starts...
A little update Picked up a Rapid Super Stihl chain yesterday and put it to work this morning. [ATTACH] That thing throws chunks not chips :yes:...
I've been burning some and it takes off like it's been soaking in gasoline. I'll pick it up again given the chance.
Well said T.Jeff Veal Amen. SD Steve hang in there man a lot of us have been in the same boat but through God's grace we continue on. Prayers...
Love the map :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
billb3 private eye :rofl: :lol:
I love thumbing through the Jomarc. It's amazing what types of biznesses are around you that you would never know about.
Maybe a cross, but definitely not a sugar. Either way it earned its keep producing sap for me and now it will produce heat.
As good a theory as any :salute:
[ATTACH] Yesterday I finally got around to taking this red maple stem down. It had snapped off a while back and I got 1/2 cord out of the crown....