My preferred way. Brine of choice(simple), your brine will be the biggest part of the preservation in a slower colder smoke. Definitely less than...
Nuts, hard and soft cheeses, salt, onions that will be used in cooking the same or next day. Try white fleshed fish, everyone smokes salmon but...
Oak to start the coal base then 50-50 maple & cottonwood. Open/test date, on or after Christmas. Owl
Cheese is second only to bacon as the root of everything good in life. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Smoke on hoarders Owl
The first batch of the season. 29* this morning kept the heat down really well. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Owl
Lennox bought Earth Stove. It’s a long shot but they might have parts. If not you’re kinda SOL. I remember the spring being the weak point but...
Thanks everyone. Late reply, I jumped at being part of a group that went to NC after the storm to help restore power for a few weeks. Daughter...
I used this in the fisher for years. Different thicknesses and dimensions to get close to what you need. Easy to cut with a razor knife and strait...
Just monetarily, after any associated costs, it still saves just my house here $300+ a month on heating for 6 - 7 months full time burning, before...
Need to get daughter two good pans. Stainless steel and carbon steel, skillet/fry pans. Already have her well set with good cast iron, she wants...
Super great news. Very happy for you. Owl
Daughter called and asked if we could have soup tonight if she swung by. Yes, I think we can do that. Smoked the chicken yesterday and put it...
If it’s fresh and doesn’t start soft when you find it, it it usually turns out OK. Not super snappy crunchy though. Thought about trying alum or...
Freezing never crossed my mind, great idea. Favorite recipe? How do you wrap them? Owl
No garden this year so its been a canning dry spell around here. Should be some farm stand finds coming up soon. Found a bunch of fresh floaters...
I’m failing to see a problem with anything you have here. Owl
Good end to a tough day. [ATTACH] Owl
What the…. Right now, current conditions. 58 inside, 58 outside. A belly full of fir. Need to have some chimney work done tomorrow and they want...