looks like Mig welding AL . wonder why water cooling ? Neat looking tool though.
TW-6 here. Awesome machines. Third one I've run. Only issues are pump seals...well that's wear and tear item so not really an issue. The newer...
Pantelis just reminded me...I picked up a millermatic 200 a few weeks ago...now just waiting for the electrician to instal a 50 plug/breaker and...
Just thinking out loud... Has anyone used it in a US cleaner when carbs need cleaning ? I usually fill a ziplock bag of "cleaner" just big enough...
man this looked like fun....now I'm googling stuff I ain't never even heard of... :eek:
That's "brazing" correct ? (still way behind the learning curve....gots to learn the lingo too)
the cheapest "welding class" was about $600 for the semester...(Barack took care of all the "cheap" education for us).
Yea...Mike Lee said there was a "minor" learning curve with "square filing too"... we may have varying degrees of "minor" here ...:hair:
the free spoolgun deal expired 7/31/15
Well said young man !!!
Dave, didn't know miller owns Hobart. Are they serviced side by side. I like the miller 3 year warranty . Have heard many stories where machines...
Ok...you guys are talkin ported MS 661 and I'm still reading "wood boss is awesome" threads... :) A few friends (who like ported 661's) have...
Ok me thinks me has it.
Ok, you might have to do that again real slow....I can't figure it out on my alerts. Don't see it. Then again I don't see much anymore....
Dave, something in the range of a miller 211 or 200. Gonna stick with Blue as they have the closest support network. Red is about 20 miles away....
See "alerts". Don't see "email alerts"
Dang I missed this one...would have loved to go and meet WeldrDave or Smokinpiney or anybody else local. Does a PM get emailed notice. It's tough...