I would say American elm. For sure not Siberian elm.
I can easily get 12 hour burns and relight almost instantly from the coals. The problem I have is I have to run the stove very hot in the first...
I can already shut the air down to the point that it kills the fire, but then it smokes like crazy. Might as well be running an old smoke dragon...
The cat stoves are definitely a lot easier to maintain a desired temperature over a long period of time than the reburn tube stoves, if you want...
I need to buy a king before the EPA changes the rules again and eff’s everything up. My NC 30 has been a great stove, but has a very narrow...
I learned something useful while I was home sick today. House was chilly when I finally got up about 8:00 this morning. Still had a few coals from...
I’m about a cord in so far. Mostly chunklies and half punky stuff. Next load to the house will be some better quality splits. Still about 1/6 of a...
There’s quite a few videos on you tube demonstrating that chap’s won’t stop an electric/battery saw. Hope he is healing well.
Congrats on the new saw and the teamwork. First wood stove, I had one saw. Next place I moved to, installed a wood stove and added two saws....
I just buy a cheap 3.5 gallon aluminum stockpot every couple years. Doesn’t look as pretty as a cast steamer or teapot, but only have to fill it...
I told my wife the other day that I was going to have to shut the tree service off. She said No, keep going, then you won’t have to do any wood...
I should be close to the 4 year plan by the end of the day tomorrow. Tree service dropped off about 2/3 of a cord of long dead honey locust day...
I like the wood handles best. I have a long and short version of the ochsenkopf. Both have a lot of miles on them. Also have a long handled garret...
Everything on that list will run a 24” with no issues except for the 251. Some will obviously cut faster than others. My vote would be the 362 or...
I like to keep a little cottonwood around to burn the coals down or for a quick hot fire to get the stew pot boiling.
Seems to me like gravity is getting a little bit stronger every day.
The picture really doesn’t do it justice. If I ever get around to getting the stump cut off, I will take a pic with both front tires of my truck...
I have gotten a couple of loads from Arensman and have permission to cut in his dumping ground outside of Kinsley anytime I want, but that is...
The award is officially yours! Nice score!
What part of southwest Kansas are you from? I’m in Dodge City. Mostly elm for me here, but score a little variety with tree services on yard trees...