I have the basically the same splitter sold under the Lumberjack brand. Mines painted yellow and has a slightly different Chinese motor. Bought it...
I have a friend that did something similar while working in his shop. A long log with bungee cords to keep it self feeding! Gawd! Might have...
In the oft repeated words of my father…..”Dammit!”
Looks like lacebark elm to me.
I agree. Looks like willow to me.
I split down to 3”. Any smaller than that, I at least crack it. I’ll put a crack about 2/3 of the way down. I’ve got no data to back it up but in...
Nice job. An overnight soak in vinegar is my “go to” rust remover.
Did you get this solved? It looks like the same throttle set up as my splitter. I can take some pics if you still need the info
I had access to a sterndrive trim system so I’m trying it out as a hydraulic top link. So far so good but I haven’t put my chipper on it yet....
With what you’re describing, the first thing I’d do is replace the fuel filter. No matter what it looks like.
Glad it’s down safely. There’s a lot of good info on this site and YouTube about plunge cut felling or trigger cut for heavy learners. It’s fun,...
My come a long is my friend.
Fragrant and bees make a fine honey from them. I wish I had more of that to bloom around my bees!
Yep, that’s a Kentucky Coffee Tree. If you cut a twig, you’ll find the pith to be salmon colored.
I don’t have buckthorn around here so I had to look it up. I’d say you are correct! Good eye. A fella can learn a lot by being persistent in...
It sure looks like cherry to me. The immature bark of cherry sort of has a birch look to it. Here are some pictures of a couple of cherry trees...
How long ago was your last rain or snow?
Interesting. What does the baking soda do?
I love me some quartersawn white oak!