I agree, looks like some sort of weather balloon. I found something similar, though not quite as complex when I was a kid. I’m 61 now so...
Did you try testing the coils with a multi meter? I think the resistance thru the primary windings should be ~.5-2.5ohms and the secondary...
That would be awesome! Thank you! 45min in which direction?
No special precautions. Not much sapwood on those logs. It would be nice to turn some bowls out of a few of those.
That was awesome! Thanks for sharing that. Oh to be young, strong and full of energy again . I wonder where that was located? For some reason I...
I’m going to build a home next year and am about 90% sure I’ll build a SIP house. Anyone here have any experience with it? They are supposed to be...
Oh man! That would be FUN!
Was it an ornamental tree? Or a tree in his woods? That would certainly narrow or expand the possibilities. The leaf looks like a sugar maple to...
That would make me channel my inner Woodrow Call. [ATTACH]
Doesn’t sound right to me either. Maybe it was replaced by someone in the past and the got it wrong?
With those pronounced medullary rays I’d say some kind of oak. A fresh cut on the end may help narrow it down between a red or white.
Wow! My hat’s off to you. Impressive work and very well thought out. You sir, are a wood nerd among wood nerds
I try to never mow wet grass and I always blow out the deck with a backpack blower after every use. I used to use the quick connect wash port on...
My first guess would be sycamore but if it isn’t, I’d say London plane tree.
I put 48” x 12’ black plastic directly on the ground. Then I poke holes up and down the length with a pitchfork. Then 2 double rows of landscape...
That’s a right fine offer there!
I like the way you think!
[ATTACH] 19/75. 3yr red oak ready for the overnight burn
I cut to 20” length and have put 25” diameter white oak on mine with out any issues BUT mine has beefier, welded on type log supports. Same frame...