Thanks MikeyB
They come in pretty handy, these 2" ratchets work great too, no more fumbling with straps and hooks when loading up the rack.[ATTACH]
After I couldn't find any wood at my usual spots I luckily came across a pile of free rounds, largest was 22" across [ATTACH]
Small load of dimentional [ATTACH]
More slabs from the mill [ATTACH]
Mix of slabs and dimentional [ATTACH]
Thanks, some people seem to prefer the motor running full time I've read that the start/stop routine can harm the motor, not sure if that's true...
Just as a precaution if you own a Powerfist 5 ton wood splitter, after removing the return spring covers I discovered the allan bolts on the...
Spent a few hours splitting rounds today, works pretty good ! [MEDIA]
Thanks jmb6420, hopefully I never run into that situation, I was concerned about damage that might occur if the pump was started first but so far...
I'm setting up my 5 ton electric log splitter with a one handed operation mod, I'm wondering if the electrical button should activate first or the...
The two wheeled version of Black Bear Pass. [MEDIA]
Not sure about the condition of those one's I found them in a google search, they look to be Belgium, I've seen them sell for upwards of a grand...
It's called 79 Series Landcruiser on a steep climb, by utuber hamzawz
Where's the duct tape when you need it !
It's an oddball for sure, when I did some searching I found many variations most of which were positioned with that large back against a kitchen...
The owner mentioned he also had one with blue porcelain Welder Dave can have that one !
Never seen anything like this before, owned by a guy who used to run an antique shop. [ATTACH]