This slotted bracket mounts the shelf to the post vise [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
A ¼" thick by 18" long by 4"x4" piece of aluminum angle iron is used as a removable shelf to place the chainsaw on so aligning the bar in the vise...
The 2x4s can be used just as they are for holding things, or various jaws made from steel, rubber, plastic, aluminum etc, pictured I've used two...
The smaller 1¾" O.D piece of tubing has a larger hole drilled in the center for the screw to pass through, the nut from the scissor jack is...
Due to an injury I built this simple post vise to hold my chainsaw for easier starting, it slides into the receiver hitch on my truck bumper and...
Some of those cordless chainsaws are impressive I wouldn't mind having one, but I love my MS260 and really have no problem using the saw, it's...
Thanks to everyone for your input and suggestions, I've changed my mind on using a stationary starter motor and opted to mount the chainsaw in a...
hahaha,,, I think I've heard of those what did they use them on again? need to check Youtube.
I have an injury at the moment but still doing everything I usually do, just making that easier so I can carry on, my plan now is to mount the saw...
I've never heard of the Toro "Jump Start" system I'll have to look into that, I've dropped the Toyota starter idea and am now going to pick up a...
It sure comes in handy, I just picked up a pair of 1000lb springs for it and a piece of steel to strengthen the axle, no plans on overloading it...
[ATTACH] My favorite form of wood is rounds and slabs but how can you complain when it's free, this small load filled two 55gal drums of stuff I...
Thanks Backwoods.
I'm looking for ideas to build an easier way of starting chainsaws, particularly larger displacement saws or one's that are just cranky to get...
Another load from my favorite spot [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Probably so, I know we have a bunch of Canucks in the house.
Southern Okanagan
Thought I would head up the mountain behind us and get some time in with the bumper crane but couldn't find anything worthy, this was my first...
Thanks eatonpcat, glad you like it !