OK, so you have 3 walnut milling logs. Is that all you have? I bet you can find a few firewood pieces after you have those set aside.
One thing I notice about your ends is that you never seem to have anything but the biggest splits on each end of each level. No rocking chair...
Reach all the way across that log as far as you can and cut into the back side of it. Once you have cut maybe 1/3 of the way back towards the...
If you watch the various videos, some people had trouble getting their brakes to work at all. For me, when I assembled it the brake had a nice...
It is used that way in what is called field corn but there are varieties made for fresh eating too. Those are called sweet corn. A third type, not...
That is what I did to get them posted on another host site. I just created a Photobucket directory on my PC drive, downloaded from Photobucket and...
Looks like sweet corn (maize) and sunflowers.
Yes, but just a quick hit. As found the H was at 1 1/2 turns so I turned it down. The L was already at 3/4 so I just put it back where I found it....
I can usually find e-10 87 octane at next month's RBOB plus 60 cents. Any more than that and I figure someone along the line is ripping me off....
OK thanks.
My back yard is nothing compared to yours. Mine is a simple expanse of grass and weeds with a few trees along the edges. The trees shade the grass...
I picked up some 89 octane last night and made a 40:1 mix with it. Today I fired up that new saw and it does run. It also idles well....
Once it is dry, all wood performs almost identically per unit weight. One advantage that softwood pellets would have is that nasty resin that we...
I am mostly into goodeids. They are uncommon livebearers from Mexico. The good part, as far as costs, is most of them don't need heated tanks as...
I have not used a humidifier in many years but I do keep lots of tanks with tropical fish in them and I need to refill to the tune of several...
And here I thought that was Harleys.
Good to know. I had an elm taken out of my yard this year and tried to get a short round split right away. Even with wedges it was quite a job on...
If you want a good but cheap solution to sharpening a chain, get a Granberg File-n-joimt or one of the copycat ones sold by Oregon and Stihl. It...
How do I get in on that? I am far from rich but do have some investment money in my retirement account.
No aurora borealis here. I grew up near Montreal and saw them every year, but the only time I have seen the aurora here my wife freaked out. She...