Blaze King seems to make some pretty good stoves, yeah they have some minor issues here and there like any other stove and learning curve, etc....
:rofl: :lol: Only if it's a hybrid, they give those funny names lol. I never liked any of them, but the names prior to the hybrids are nice.
Yes, it can go pretty low. But if Woodstock is consistent in their ratings the AS can go a little lower. For your house in that climate I'd say...
I'm curious about this as well but pretty sure the efficiency goes up the lower you can run. Assuming you're not burning below the minimum burn...
Nice looking stove, love the mountains and trees :yes:
Well the $1,932 I mentioned was the Great Plain (no bling) but yeah not a big difference between them. Your right it is still labelled Black...
Compressed bricks do vary a lot just like firewood does so you'll just have to experiment. But I've heard other say that the Redstone...
I was just browsing over Woodstocks site and looking at the current prices the Absoulte is more expensive than the Ideal? Has it always been?...
I am surprised you got that long of a burn with secondary flames going through the whole off gassing period, nice. My last couple loads that were...
I was going to say don't get them at TSC they mark it WAY up but seems like you got a good deal on em. I Bought 3 tons of them 2 winters ago (or...
Sometimes it seems the problem with this stove is too long of a burn! For those short burns just 'overnight' I have to use a strategy and be...
Very nice looking setup! I actually considered the farmstead design for the sides when I was ordering, looks lovely.
Great looking install there and welcome to the club! But it doesn't look like that hearth has enough pad in front of the stove door?
Sounds great O.H. and we like pics (hint hint lol). Maybe next year we can combine all the WS threads into one, much like how on the other forum...
I kept mine simple. Remove factory plug, insert Condar probe. Yeah it's a little loose and will move around if you bump it, but no big deal. I...
My Jack Russel in his last 2 years was loosing his mind and senses, he'd go right up to the stove. I'd have to push him away when I started...
Yes, the path of the gasses go right for the top of the door as it goes up and over the baffle. So the opening of the IS is larger and in more...
I did the spray bottle 50/50 cleaning a couple weeks ago. Had burned about a whole winter on it (put it in service last year beginning December,...
I was wondering the same. Not too much talk about the Absolutes this season which is a shame, I was half tempted to put one in the other side of...
Well my long burn went well. Like always with a really long unnatended burn I was left with a stove that had cooled down with fuel still in it....