I would add a vote for a commercial zero turn if all you'll do is mow. I have a 14-year-old Toro, 1400 hours on it. I've replaced one belt, one...
I have had a Kubota 900 for 9 years now. It lives on my 10 acres, my brother's 80 acres across the road and the 75-acre hunting lease we have next...
Logrite/Stihl unless you like a wood handle-then a Peavey brand.
I have one for my Kombi tool and like it. Quite a workout using it but much better than a rake.
My brother and my mechanic friend can borrow anything, anytime. Doubtful they would ever break something, but if they did it would be...
I agree with Backwoods-a person's salary should be theirs. I also give all my new teaching hires the advice of setting up a 403-teachers version...
Well one 400 is in my barn! Went to get oil and air filters for my mowers and there was a 400 on the shelf. Cost $20 more than Christmas time. Had...
Probably have spent time playing Atari and Pacman when I was younger. Have a casino 5 miles from my house-been there 6-8 times for banquets in the...
I have an 18' aluminum utility trailer with stowable ramps. The biggest thing I would have done differently was to buy a 10k trailer instead of a...
I cleaned up after logging jobs with my father 40 years ago. He knew several loggers (he logged in the 1960s and early 70s but had switched to...
Interesting topic. I know my brother and I can cut a tri-axle load of logs in 4 hours or so. We take the logs off the pile with a loader, lay...
I am kind of a homebody, but I hear what you are saying about the wrong food being everywhere. It is really hard during deer season-seemed like I...
I had some medical problems (Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure) in June of 2020 and needed to lose weight and limit carbs. I ate pretty...
I have had a BX, a B, and now an L. I'll mention the same thing I have told friends-if you aren't planning to mow lawn, strongly consider a B...
I'm a righty, but swing a bat, use a shovel, and split left handed. Used to drive my dad crazy. I play golf (poorly) right-handed but have taken a...
I plow out the neighborhood because several of the neighbors can't. My brother has several customers he plows for. He tries to make $2.00 a...
My brother and I have Kubota RTVs. We can haul a face cord at a time with racks on the bed. Use them for cutting in the woods-we can usually get...
I was fondling one at my local dealer yesterday-$919 with a 20" bar. I stopped for a 6 pack of mix oil, talked deer hunting for a half hour, and...
I liked it-and I don't say that lightly. My father was a self-employed excavator who also logged in the wintertime until the early 1970s. I spent...
This is some dated information, but the % are still relevant. My father was a logger in the 1950s-1970s. He stopped logging and went into the...