Now if we could just get you to actively participate.....
I run a 3 tote system. One in the stove room, and 2 in the laundry/utility room, gets rotated in. 2-ish cords in the garage
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG]Me and the Sweet Wife noticed these yesterday. Pretty interesting
-25.4° right now. Running a few fat short ash butt chunks. Neighbors furnace was red tagged yesterday, they slept over
[IMG] Pacific Energy has been running hard. Mix of red and white oak. Cold all next week too. Forecasted highs are sub-zero next weekend
-7 currently. Stove room 71 over night. Ripping some 5x5 red oak. Calling for -13 tonight. Windchill might hit -30
Get the Gullet !
I’m into a large vein of primo 4x4 red oak. Beautiful stuff !! 7° right now. Snow coming soon
I came home from work 2 days ago and found out The Sweet One got it up to 1300. "I forgot that I left the air open"
20° out there. Calling for slushy snow tomorrow. Burning short/small red oak. Running it hottt for a little while this morning
24° outside. 73° upstairs of my split level. Burning 5 compressed bricks for the overnight load
Safety first
[IMG] Running some perfect Red Oak on Christmas Morning. Blizzard was really nasty on Wednesday afternoon
26° and feeling stiff out there. Short Fatties of Ash loaded EW
26° outside. Very mild for East Central MN. Re-lit the stove with some pallet board kindling. And going to feed it white oak chuglies