You do…. Then the dilemma is what to set it at. The ones we have feature electronic controls with 1% increments. So, 100 settings to bicker over,...
Um, I've been accused of overthinking things a time or two... :whistle: Yea, we use them in some of newer shops. Great fans! And maybe the...
Maybe this diagram explains what I'm thinking better. On paper, this makes sense to me, where you almost create a circular convection in the...
I'm doing some remodeling, and got to thinking about ceiling fans. I have a FireView in a large room that has cathedral ceilings, approximately...
Despite what the CDC may say, there are times that you are better off washing your hands before going to the bathroom, rather than after... :whistle:
When people ask me, I have many of the reasons above, but I also tend to say that I think it might be a genetic thing. I sit at a desk and stare...
I saw a UFO once when I was driving 30-40 miles away from Ellsworth Air Force Base. I'd probably have more fun in life if I was able to attribute...
I built a soapstone hearth for my Woodstock FireView corner install. This is a pic from like 12 years ago that they put on their website....
I use an ATV ramp to roll rounds up into my truck bed, so I think a ramp would work for occasional use for a splitter. From my experience,...
Some of those big cherry yard trees can be miserable. The grain gets so crooked that noodling them produces sawdust, rather than noodles....
I have a 24" x 2 1/2" auger for my drill for drilling holes for tulip bulbs. It works OK, so long as you don't hit a rock or a root. Drains the...
I've been a FireView user for 10+ years now as well. During peak burning season, I scoop the ashes out of the front half of the firebox maybe...
Ever since it occurred to me that an 18" piece of firewood can give me ~13% more heat than a 16" piece of firewood, and my stove will fit 18"...
Apparently this pastor feels that you cannot be a Christian and own an assault rifle? God and Guns - Reformed Journal: The Twelve
Does anyone else use an ATV ramp for scrounging? I find it more convenient to use an ATV ramp than to quarter rounds on site. I'm sure I give up...
Apologies. I was replying to someone from Michigan about a Michigan issue, and didn't think to phrase it for non-Michiganders. Last year, we had...
That's the kind of steely determination that no doubt saved countless lives early on in the pandemic determining that fishing from a boat with a...
Apparently, if you provide proof of your covid vaccination, you can get a free pre-rolled joint up this way. (not going to link to their site, so...
After reading that, I can only say that Napa must be a really exciting place, if that makes the local news there... :picard:
It probably depends on the company. A white collar company may not, but these days if you put the company name on the side of the truck, and that...