Some of the smaller rounds were dry enough to throw into the fire, lots of heat.
Not that I've noticed
Good load and a good crew !
I've been eyeing a tree where I hunt for 2 years now and we finally got after it last weekend. ? The leaves came off a nearby tree this last fall...
My wife's learning, now every time I say "hold my beer and watch this" she gets the video running - says something about winning $10,000 ?
Be careful - zip ties and power switches are not good combinations. Cheap little 4" angle grinders and cutting wheels work can be had for < $20...
These are military surplus boots and it uses air space as an insulator, that's an air valve that you unscrew when you fly so the air pressure...
I love cutting in the cold as well. I used to have problems keeping my feet warm but not now - I bought these last fall and I should have done it...
Great load and great pics!
I was up there many years ago - even before I bought an Oliver, it was neat. It's sure nothing fancy but neither am I !!
It's an Oliver 77 RC (Row Crop) The bucket sure makes it handy for wood, the push blade just slides on a bracket I made and bolts up.
I was able to get away from work this afternoon and mess around with a wood pile and the Oliver. [ATTACH] What a beautiful day to be out ! Just...
Sounds like you've been a little rough on yourself lately! Busted up ribs take a while to heal and the more you push it the longer it...
Fire warms the outside and grand kids warm the inside
Thanks, it was a fun project and since I did it all myself I did not have a lot into it. I'll see if I can't dig up some pics
Folks are welcome to walk up and knock on the door but standing there looking into my windows won't be tolerated.
I was waiting for someone to look at the bottom of the cup and dump their beer out. I wonder if it will fly?
Cool video. There's times I think my Wrangler would come apart that fast but I don't think it would go back together like that. Thanks for sharing!
Got to have windows. I built a sunroom on several years ago and I built in 6, 5' x 5' windows and a 7' x 7' glass slider door. We love that...
I was doing just about the same on the other side of the state today until it got too sloppy.... beautiful day !