Welcome RuggedMade !
That should keep him busy for a while....... Nice gesture
I'm using the trash bag method now and I have tried an OB boat motor cover, limited success with both. I've had the same thoughts on the fenders...
I have a 22 ton Huskee splitter and I would like to find a cover that I can keep over the motor when I pull it to the woods. I only have to go <...
Congratulations to your growing family !! Glad to hear all is well.......
I can't imagine how physically and mentally tough those loggers had to be. Like RCBS says - why not pick on something a little smaller? Maybe they...
I'm glad Rachel wasn't hurt but now you are stuck with paying for the proverbial "dead horse". If they taught this stuff in school (way back then)...
Nice of you to help her out and nice old iron. I think we have the same seat cushion for a cold steel tractor seat !
Very good list and some very good additions. Can I add two more? 1. Do at least one random act of kindness everyday and neither ask for or accept...
My stove has only done it a handful of times in 15 years so I can't complain. It was just ironic that it happened the next time I lit the stove...
That IS nice. Turn of the lights and enjoy !
What a coincidence, a dirt bag that close to a 40+ foot ravine...........hmmmm Good luck with your situation
Thank you very much HDRock !!
How do I copy a screen name into a response? Thanks
Better do what makes her happy - years ago my wife had been after me about the condition of my "broke in" recliner and I didn't listen. I went out...
If you show her this post.......ATTA GIRL !!
Like HarvestMan I had never heard of a cold plug so I read the post last night. Come home tonight and fire up the stove and guess what ???? At...
Your manageable pieces look heavy to me ! Nice load........
Wow That's a chunk of wood there ! You are all right on with you descriptions, I burned some more last night and it is great. Thanks for your...