Sounds like a good time for a nice big breakfast!
dammed if you do, dammed if you don't!
That was a big apple tree!
I use it with fresh kielbasa sometimes. I also get it from a Chinese restaurant. They mix it into fried rice. So good!
I'm just north of both of you in south central Ma. If both of you can slow it down, that would be great!
Kimchi is my favorite. It's a Korean spicy fermented cabbage.
You get pro biotics from fermented foods. Yogurt is a good source of these. They help in digestion.
If not, I got your back!:pete:
I'm glad that's cleared up. I was confused...and a little worried! Happy Anniversary! 50 years is quite an accomplishment.
After telling them I was going to drop cable, suddenly "discounts " were available to me! I had $160/month in my mind for internet and Fubo, a...
We have that set.
We have Spectrum here and they just raised the price of cable and internet to $199/ month. No way! I'm getting rid of cable all together this...