Texas lost more than wind power, both nuclear and coal. Freeze and crack your boiler feed line and coal does not produce any juice. They had...
Both. Potassium ions mostly. Salt has both ions and so is stronger (sodium chloride, calcium chloride...). I use ashes on ice and snow. Ashes...
I can only burn super dry sugar maple, bitternut hickory, or rock elm without guilt when the temperatures are below 15 deg F. I "hoard" wood...
Our coaling varies with some lower density woods coaling much better than expected. Lower density wood can be larger in size or wetter and so...
We are going to "feel terrible" for folks in the Northeast soon since storms are forecast to ride the arc south of the polar air and up the east...
Same here. Stocked up with super dry sugar maple, less than 16% moisture, which burns hotter than any other wood in my stacks. We were also...
I have two thermometers on my stack. The older one recommends an operating range of 250-550 deg F. The newer one recommends an operating range...
I vary both the quantity of wood and the type of wood to control my house temperature. COLD mornings, blow 10 deg F, are a good time to burn...
The same. A cord of 4" oak rounds has the same weight as a cord of 10" oak rounds. My post showing the math: Weight of a Cord of Rounds The...
Concrete, I always split in the same place, right where I unload.
My wife did mention my wood stacks were getting excessive when she struggled to open the car door in the garage. The warm fall and December...
Red oak along with sugar maple and white ash is a large part of my firewood inventory because red oak is the most available downed wood here. I...
I am not an expert but the chatter among the wood cutters at the SF is a load of logs cut like these can go to a paper mill and be used to make...
My understanding is members of the Juniper family including those called cedar have pointy leaves/needles. True cedar has no pointy...
Maple, my favorite wood.
My understanding is a "damper" is any device to adjust the flow of gases (draft), either air into an appliance or gas out. My understanding is a...
My favorite information source which includes pecan: https://www.fpl.fs.fed.us/documnts/fpltn/fpltn-218-1931.pdf Nothing has actually changed...
I only cut little stuff, below 3", on a whole tree or whole top that is not too bushy, i.e. fairly straight. My cutting permit requires me to...
Firewood "hoarding" is about the "hunt", "harvest", and "consumption" and I enjoy hiking for the "hunt". "Hunting" is looking for downed wood...
My rows have rounds mixed with splits, largest sticks at the bottom, and the smallest, kindling, on top for stability since the rows are over 6'...