[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Well it’s bitter sweet but I shutter Down. 70’s for highs high 40’s for lows. The sweet is that I’m tired and out of...
I think I just let my last fire of the season run out. Built one this morn just to knock of the chill and the lows are pretty high for the next 15...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Last Saturday vs. this Saturday. Welcome to NC
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] First mow of the season. Put me a diy stripe kit on the mower.
75 today!
same here. Wettest, heaviest. Where are you in VA?
I say stay. Might be small but so what
Gotta git it while the gitten is good
My mom has one down that made these 3 little stunted. Not sure I’ll get that one. My dad burns as well. He may get it.
Got em’!!! #bigrounds and most of a 5x8 trailer full. My mom just called. She has a giant one down. Regulators! Mount up! Ha!
black I think. No pics.
I have a client that has a nice locust down in his yard. maybe 40 feet long 24". hoe many chains do I need to take with me? :doh:
Yea the thread got sideways but I would rather it go that way then die on page 1 bahahahahahah!
That’s right! It’s all gone. Time to sharpen the lawnmower blades.
Yes. I am. I’m in pretty good shape but dang. It’s fun though! Free heat!
It was rattle canned black lmao! It use to be red. It’s not clean at all. Thanks tho!
Good thing is most of these are in the 4 to 5 inch size so I cut the stove size and I may just burn them. I have a splitter tho so I can tear em’...
I’ve had that truck 15 years. It never leaves the property as I have other way to haul wood but this was just a mile out the road plus the tires...
Just heat. I don’t have a smoker
Oh don’t worry I got a call into a buddy. We gonna get them.