Crabapples have lots of small twigs that are similar to thorns, but not sharp on the ends. Hawthorns have actual thorns, but are otherwise similar...
Is that Ash wood still solid? I have cut some White Ash that were dying, but not quite dead, and the wood was already getting punky.
Is that a Pin Oak? Whatever it is, it is a big one. Welcome to the forum.
I have burned a little Honeysuckle, and it was OK. It is hard to judge what it would be like if it were regular firewood sized, since mine were...
That is definitely Poison Ivy. Key features that identify it include the numerous rootlets on the large main trunk of the vine, giving it a hairy...
I am burning Chestnut Oak from a neighbor whose kids were Boy Scouts with mine, Black Walnut from the yard of a couple from church, and Honey...
It looks like Dogwood, but you're in TN where a few similar-looking small trees grow. Are there any large pieces with the same bark, or only small...
Tonight it is 8 degrees here in central PA and still dropping. I'll try to keep the stove hot tonight.
Notice that each piece has been flattened on top and bottom. This is typical of landscape timbers and gives away the identify of this stuff. As...
To me pushing it hard (when talking about wood stoves) is: - full loads of wood, as much as I can get in the stove - reloading while the stove is...
In warm weather my undersized stove can almost heat the house. In cold weather the electric heat has to assist. That means I can burn full bore...
I often supply wood for campfires and similar things, but I do the same you did - I give away stuff I don't really want to keep for the stove. My...
Easy for you to say out there where the relative humidity is probably 30% all summer.
Sycamore is the largest hardwood in the east. There are some giants out there. Tulip Tree grows taller, but Sycamore gets quite tall and also very...
I think he is asking which of the woods he has (the woods on the list) is most rot resistant, not which wood out of all possible woods is most rot...
Do you have time to cut all that wood? If I were to buy 20 cords of logs, I doubt I'd be able to get it cut and moved in a year. My free scrounges...
I don't know what I'll be doing that weekend, but barring an out-of-town activity, I'll be there. It is less than an hour for me. By the way, I...
I didn't even know my stove had a doghouse for the first year or so. Keeping it open makes a big difference. I can't get inside the doghouse to...
Welcome. EAB is killing all the Ash here too, so like you I'll be burning a lot of ash for the next few years.
I started the winter burning a stack of about 2 cords of Red Maple, which is on the soft end of the wood spectrum around here, mixed with some...