I'd focus on hauling it as quickly as possible, even if that means you leave some of the cutting to be done at home. move the largest pieces you...
You have to ask before removing wood. The good part of asking (aside from doing the right thing) is that there is a fair chance you'll be offered...
Are you sure that is all from the same tree? Some pieces look like Walnut to me, others like oak.
That wood is Black Walnut. Thick furrowed bark, wide light sapwood, and the darkest heartwood of any common tree in eastern North America. The...
Scotty, was that giant Coffee Tree around here? I have never seen one that large here in PA.
That's good firewood, but how hard was it to cut today? The tree must have been frozen solid.
I have burned a little bit of Chestnut and it is good firewood. it isn't dense like oak, but it dries nicely and will burn well. It is a...
I have a small stove so I want splits that I can stack without risk of tumbling into the glass, but also allow me to stack them pretty much...
Mimosa rarely grows as far north as PA, so I haven't burned any.
I think I burn around 16 to 20. With medium splits I can put four in the stove, assuming some coals are in the bottom, and I load four or five...
At least $1,800. That is only $200 per tree, and if he has to climb $200 doesn't seem like a lot to charge.
Keep in min that handling the wood twice is not entirely a waste of time. I find that restacking wood in the middle of drying it seems to produce...
Maple. I'd say Red Maple because I have cut several Red Maples that look just like this tree, but I'll admit I am not familiar enough with Sugar...
Poison Ivy grows almost everywhere in the US. Poison Ivy can grow as a groundcover, as a climbing vine with large branches, or as something that...
My OAK has black flexible duct. I did not install it myself, it was done professionally, and I don't know where to buy the black duct.
I had a warm day about two weeks ago so I made a point of cleaning my flue. In January I'd expect not to have another chance for a while. Turns...
Norway Maple. Is this a tree from the woods or from town? I'll bet it is from town, right?
I load my stove both ways, but one way at a time. I never criss-cross the wood because that leaves too much air space and it would burn too fast....
The second one looks like Hackberry, which is distinctive and nothing else looks quite like it. It is hard to say what the first tree is. It is...
You can't completely shut down the air with a modern stove. In my stove the doghouse air is not affected by the primary air control, nor is the...