I was feeling pretty well prepared with about 10 or 12 cords out back, but after reading this I don't feel that way anymore.
Maybe Allegheny Chinkapin, a relative of the American Chestnut. Pretty rare in PA but not unheard of.
Redfin - I don't think you'll have better success with seedlings than with acorns. In central PA there are plenty of places where you can collect...
For me a 'close' spot could be half an hour away, so I am used to having to drive to get wood. A lot of deciding how far I'll drive depends on...
I'd stack that oak under cover. The punky sapwood will absorb water and keep the whole piece wet if you let it get rained on. If dry the punky...
If I were in your shoes I'd cut dead or smaller trees, rather than focus on a few big trees. I would also not cut oak, which is very slow to dry....
I can think of several things to say to the neighbor, but my current best idea is to look her right in the eye and tell her very gravely that you...
yep, I just lit the stove on April 29th. This isn't the way things are supposed to be here in central PA.
I think the ones in the Pitch Pine are probably not the same species as the Tent Caterpillars in cherries. For one thing, they don't seen to have...
The barks looks like Sweetgum to me. I am not familiar with what the insides of a Sweetgum look like as I have never cut into one.
Red Pine doesn't grow wild in Maryland. Virginia Pine is very common. I think it is Virginia Pine because the needles are relatively short and the...
Chestnut Oak. The rays make it obviously an oak, and the thick, corky bark indicate Chestnut Oak. I think the wide light-colored sapwood is also...
I promised to make a fallen oak in the neighbors yard disappear. I might be out this afternoon doing that. It should take only an hour or two.
Where is this? Here in the real central PA - Centre County - Hackberry is pretty scarce.
Looks like Pignut to me, or one of the similar hickories. There are actually several types of Hickory similar to Pignut, but the wood of all is...
I get this with all of the wood species. My stacks aren't covered so rain runs through the stack, but it doesn't run everywhere. The rain follows...
When you make trails I recommend you avoid disturbing soil. With a tractor it is easy to move soil and it might seem like a great way to make a...
I wouldn't go out of my way to get Tree of Heaven or Willow, but I'd burn 'em if I had 'em. In Indiana you can burn anything that grows, except...
Oldman gives good advice here - are you seasoning the wood? Split it and stack it is a nice, airy stack in the sun and wind. When it is dry gum...
My flue must be harder to warm up than most. I use a full firestarter and a lot of kindling from a cold start. I have lately been using...