I don't worry much about bugs in the house. I store a few days' firewood indoors and only get the occasional bug. No big deal. I'd restack the...
The reddish barks looks like Scots Pine. There are a bunch of nice, straight Scots Pine around my house, so don't take the form of the tree as an...
Pine is great any time you want the fire to heat up quickly.
I would say it is some sort of pine, but you seem to have ruled that out.
I say soft maple. There are two types of soft maples - Red and Silver. I am more familiar with Red and that's what I think this is.
I think it is a Tamarack, but an oddly shaped one.
I have burned a fair bit of Walnut. It is a pretty decent wood in my opinion. I think it has a good mix of fast seasoning and reasonable BTUs
I hope you have a couple of wedges. Just start splitting.
The one good thing about restacking is that it is a chance to rotate the wood. Move the stuff that was near the bottom to the top, etc.
So you split in the garage and then stack outside? If the wood is already dried it could sit in the garage a very long time. If it is freshly cut...
The second set of pics is White Oak. The first set had my thinking spruce.
Here in Centre and adjacent counties a state forest cutting permit is cheap. Cutting can be pretty easy in some areas, picked over in others....
Regulators are forcing the electric companies to do a better job at clearing rights-of-way in PA. Look for freshly felled trees and knock on a few...
I never thought my area had all that much ash (I am a few miles northeast of Scotty) until the Ash started dying. Then I realized how common they...
Jack Pine is my guess
I think the pine will still have some pine smell, so you will be able to identify it. It doesn't really matter though. The old wives' tale about...
I have burned a lot of Walnut and I think it is good stuff. Not the most dense wood, but burns well.
I have a lot of Red Maple and it is good firewood. It has a nice all-purpose quality: lights fast but has reasonable density and BTUs. Seasons...
I think I'd cut some of the branches laying on the ground first. That might be all I'd do, but maybe once a lot of the branches are gone the...
I think your problem sounds like too many deer. You probably cannot change the number of deer in your area, but you could try excluding deer from...