If there is wood to be scrounged in your area, I'd scrounge as much as you can as fast as you can. Scrounging is a feast or famine, and you never...
I think it is Red Elm, which is a pretty dense wood. Shagbark typically has two-toned wood, with a dark center and light sapwood. Maybe old...
I really like having some pine in the stacks. Pine is great for quick heat and I mix it with oak to get a fast start and long burn.
Red Maple. Red Maples flower early in the spring, and the red flower buds are shown in one of your pictures. Red Maple is a good firewood, medium...
I suggest you should buy a full sized splitting ax. You could make short work of that round with a Fiskars, for example.
I'd say Black Birch.
I'd say it is Cottonwood. This was a really large tree, so how many trees can grow this large in Washington or Oregon? Cottonwood is one of them....
I'd say Sassafras
We have had a couple of fantastic weather days in central PA. I hope you got up in the trees again today.
Felter, where are you? There are lots of trees called gum trees around the world. Many of them are not related at all - totally different trees.
Ailanthus/Tree of heaven. When you cut them down you'll want to treat the stumps with herbicide to kill them. Even with treatment you'll get lots...
I think it may be Japanese Zelkovia, which is a tree sometimes planted as an ornamental.
I have burnt maybe 1.5 cords, at most. I try to keep the stove going full tilt, but on days like today it is too much heat. I will probably burn...
I stack at the end of a day's splitting, mostly just because I hate to see my split wood sit on the damp ground. Sometimes it will sit for weeks...
White Ash are dead and dying all over my area, and we had some really large White Ash. Every day I pass dead standing trees with 60 ft of trunk 3...
I am not sure. Maybe Black Locust or American Elm. I don't think it is poplar. The only poplar with bark like that is Cottonwood, which is not...
Those are rabbit tracks. The original photo shows tracks from all four feet of the rabbit together. Rabbits place their rear feet (the long ones...
Woolly Adelgids have killed a lot of Hemlocks in Pennsylvania. We had a few very cold winters a couple of years ago, and that set the adelgids...
The only one I can be sure of is Birch. You definitely have some birch and it is good firewood. All of that wood looks green. If you split and...
Extra chain, and even an extra bar are not expensive items. I'd buy the saw that is a better deal regardless of those promotions. You will need a...