Sweet ! Betting the military satellites had your location marked as a possible missile launch site . :coldone:
Nice load Bet you knew you were pulling a load.
Wow That brings the heart rate up. .... Hope the parts that left didn’t cause anyone damage. A pretty big object rolled somewhere???
Yea Shoulder seasons - birch Winter - birch:D
Yea You burn what you got Location, location, location :) .... Some even have shagbark hickory & white oak :woodsign: Wouldn’t that be sweet :stack:
What’s a viable option? State firewood area? Get a log load delivered? Buy , but haul your own with a known volume truck or trailer?
All that sign, a Good chance a legal one will walk by your stand this year. Firewood is ready, now fill the freezer :)
Look professionally done Great job :yes:
Stacked until the rain got heavier. Soaked thru 3 layers & felt a chill, But am Making progress. [ATTACH]