My truck based skidding solution. I should have made it a bit shorter but it's held up for 20 years of farm use. [ATTACH] And my tractor 3...
I used some leftover parts I had from a 2x4basics bench kit to make a firewood rack. [ATTACH]
$100/cord is the going rate for a load of oak firewood logs down here in the Ozarks. I would have figured it would be more that far north.
Nothing significant happened this week. We have been under a red flag fire warning all week. High winds, low humidity, no rain. Now we are...
Getting our first freeze advisory tonight. For the foreseeable future it looks like below freezing at night. Had the kids load up the wood bunk...
I wouldn't deal with them. The only reason to git a bid from the loggers in question is to set a competitive bid for other loggers.
I talked with some local oak loggers this week and found out what's going on with the mills not selling any scraps. Royal Oak charcoal is buying...
I have the same generator. I always run it on propane. I used to have about 8 twenty pound grill tanks. I'm down to 4 but need to top them all...
Theft of marketable lumber and wood is compensated in court at 3-5 times the current value, depending on the state. Every party involved should...
I hoard with a bed cap. It allows me to leave my saw, oil, fuel, chains, axe, and canthook in the truck all the time, in the dry. Since I have...
I've seen the seasonal adds start showing up selling a pickup load for $50. Funny thing, most truck beds aren't 8ft anymore. It's all green and...
My local drop yard/ green waste site hasn't had but one good firewood log in 4 weeks. I got a nice 8 ft by 24" dead ash. Several pine trees and...
My great grandfather used to store axe heads with handle in a bucket of sand with old motor oil in it. I guess it kept the rust off and kept the...
Always install a cap. Without a cap it's a giant rain gauge that drains into your house. The moisture absorbed into the chimney stone, clay,...
I've used electrolytic rust removal with cold water rinse and a steel brush to remove the black oxides. A bit more work but just using a wire...
Creosote with water is corrosive to steel. What I found so far is the logs have ammonium chloride and copper sulfate that when they burn make...
I've helped build a few wood stoves in the past. They were all well built with 1/4" steel plate or thicker. All were modeled off known designs...
I know one can still build clay tile and cement block chimneys in my area. I know a lot of the older houses are using stacked stone chimneys. My...
Ive heard of the creosote logs blocking flue pipes. Sometimes with a really dirty flue the logs will breakup up the creosote and large chunks...
For the last 2 weeks the local fire departments have been doing training at the lions club fire training site. They have a roof with live fire...