I agree. Fastfood workers are getting $12+/hr. Machine shop rates are at least twice that...more likely 3.5 times that. Depends on the job but...
Got my tank filled. $83 the delivery guy did not charge me the minimum. I'm happy. In the past we just had the delivery guy fill our tank after...
I have a small lp tank for backup heat and cooking. Estimate to fill it is $126. Last year it was $65. Glad I only need it to cook. I...
My family had a close call last Friday. The schools had to shelter in place and delay end of day due to tornados. Wife was home in the basement...
Caught a swarm last week. Pretty sure is from my only hive that is one year old. I have the swarm in a farm store hive. The farm store hive is...
55f for the high. Fire last night and tonight. One load of oak each night to get the house to 70. Let the coals burn out to keep the house warm...
[ATTACH] Fixed the lawnmower this morning. A few hydraulic motor mounts had broke clean through. While I was mowing this afternoon I found a...
Counting strokes doesn't work. You cut harder with one orientation vs the other when flipping teeth sides. I don't usually care about the teeth...
Didn't pick up a load of wood this weekend. I got this...[ATTACH] It's a 4x4x6 explosive storage magazine with skids, attached to a trailer. I...
I split most of my wood into roughly 4x4. The oak may be ready to burn in 1.5 years depending on initial moisture and time of year it was cut....
It might be light weight train track, or mine track, or a Crane rail. It's definitely a piece of rail of some sort. It's just a bit bigger than...
My kids have to take an intro to finance in high school. They learn how to write a check, balance a checking account, what's needed to apply for...
I know my Oregon chain stretches a lot the first couple tanks of gas the saw runs them through. When I buck up logs with a lot of cuts in a short...
You can redress resin bonded wheels. They can also be contoured. If you push a resin bonded wheel too hard it will remove parts of the wheel and...
Well, I'm not that old, I have a 401k. Started putting money in the first paycheck I got after getting my BS degree from college 19 years ago....