Burning black spruce as it has warmed up and raining so no need for the good stuff. Crazy having rain this time of year but seems to be becoming...
That's her "I been chasin squirrels" face :rofl: :lol:
I have Spruce on the list. Do you know if there is much of a difference between white and black for BTU and weight? If there is enough of a...
Yeah, at those temps my rule is work for a tank of gas and go inside and have a coffee. Splitting an hour at a time as well. The pile is a mix of...
We are supposed to get a big temp increase overnight and have mixed rain and snow, beautiful!
-15C here today and no wind, nice to day to dig into the pile and get some cutting done! [img]
The following have been added as requested: mulberry, walnut, hackberry, honey locust, Shagbark (Hickory)
The calculator has been used 500 times in the last 24 hours, great to see! The calculator now supports mixed wood. You can choose up to 4...
Sooo I got the multiple wood types completed today, mixed load calculations now possible! You can select up to 4 "WoodTypes" and set a % for each...
Been busy stacking wood! Old man winter though is chasing me out of the yard for a bit, so I am getting back to work on the calculator. On the...
I am working on one, I will post it here in the forums when it is ready.
I'll add elm, hackberry, mulberry, walnut. Any others you guys would like?
Few small updates to the mobile version. If anybody would want to imbed the calc or even have a full version on their site it is pretty simple...
I think you already did your part and more.
JDU This is done. Birch is now white birch and yellow birch Oak is now white oak and red oak Maple is now red maple and sugar maple
Good thinking, I will do this. Thanks!
I would like to expand the wood type list. Any types you guys would like to see added?
Did some updates. - Added energy equivalents of propane and natural gas. - Removed need for .html in URL - Few mobile version fixes - Calculator...
Nice score! yeah sugar maple is wicked heavy green, amazing firewood once dry though.