Congrats on the big move. And heat!!! Enjoy a beverage! ---Nailer---
Well shucks.....Thank for the Happy B-Day's all. :D On wipers....I never get more than a year or so out of 'em on my truck. Years ago a buddy...
Sometimes I can find O'Keeffe's in a double size can. Available everywhere Wally World, Target (The french store), Grocery stores, Hardware...
In the winter I don't run the bathroom venting fan when showering. Allowing the warm moist air to circulate into the house. Also I tried for a...
I voted 75% Pellet 25% other as I will probably use Oil at some point this season only because of the cheap price. I burn whatever is cheapest and...
Given the choice ( and a bucket of $$$) I'd be burning Softies. Vermont's if I had to choose. Tried the DF pellets when they first came...
Beverage Time......Nice!!!!
2 weeks into burn season, figured it was time to give her a clean out. Plus it was a warmer day here. Ashpan was about 1/2 full and the usual...
Quick search on Amazon for Enviro Part # 50-2481 Shows one available at $229 (Prime so free shipping) [MEDIA] Might be able to cross reference it...
Another thing to consider is heat safety. Generally the outside of a pellet stove stays fairly cool to the touch (except the glass and vent pipe)...
Think I see a trip to Seekonk or Acushnet in the near future. Thanks :cheers: --Nailer--
Yep, Was talking about Dead Dinosaurs, Black Gold, Bubblin' Crude. Not Hammer's. Have not seen them up this way in quite a few years. Only tried...
Just unloaded a ton of Fireside Ultras from HD today. Wareham, Ma HD only brand they had in stock. Got 'em for $249.00 not a deal but was running...
I'm still around....just been sandbagging it. Working, Fishing, Fixing stuff.....the usual. Had the M-55 fired up 2x so far this year. Just to...
Jay, Not sure if the agitator is cast iron or some kind of steel. Replacements are Cast Stainless ($150.00 ish) not sure what the originals...
Thanks for the WB..... I been lurkin' all this time...:salute:
It's OK...... 1. Think he needs a critter screen on that vent termination. 2. He just opens the door and has the bulk pellets delivered...
Never done a swap with one of the Predator engines. But if the replacement runs as well as the one on my Pressure Washer, I'd have no issues...
We woodworkers know all about this. Google EMC (Equilibrium Moisture Content) Its what makes Aunt Bessy's 200 yr old China Hutch from Arizona...
Tuesday, The boy and I went back to our local HD to grab another ton of the FSU's At $250 not a bad pellet (Locally) Stacked them in the house and...