Sandblasting the firebox is a nice touch and cost's little if you are setup for it. Cast grates make sense from a cost/benefit standpoint. The...
It used to be called mail fraud and if the penalties for such were more widely known and actually enforced, this kind of BS would be rare. Mail...
The reality is that the majority of serviceable components fail from..... wait for it..... lack of or improper service. Demonstrated over and...
ZTR's are a bit different in that they see a more demanding duty cycle and packaging often dictates a minimal sump capacity. Those two are a...
Excellent little units.
Don't forget the crypto bros.
I have on top of my toolbox in the garage and one at work in my office (slightly larger). Handy little suckers!
Like, Zoiks!
The main difference seems to be in the carts. We've gone from the welded tube-frame setup with a heavy wire-frame basket underneath to enclosed...
Another Genesis Silver A ! I think yours is a year or two older than mine. New enough to have the plastic side tables, old enough to have the...
Either way. If the wand or taking apart the burners destroys them (they come apart easy) then they were not long for this world anyways. Amazon...
I agree that it looks like a 90's Genesis 1000. You won't hurt it with a pressure washer and some degreaser. Just go easy on any wood parts....
[ATTACH] I uh - might have bought another one... :heidi:. Got it home last night, it's bigger than the black one, three burner. Not in as nice...
Good stuff! I'm seriously considering just buying some 1/2" plate, and doing a model for a CNC. Just mill out some slots for lifting handles,...
Something like this would be acceptable, just wish it was 3-4 inches deeper. Thanks for the link - love the site!
Sounds like it might be a Genesis 1000 (very popular). 2 or 3 burner? Wooden lid handle? Steel handle bracket or cast aluminum? If your cast...
All manufacturers that stopped manufacturing their own product have pretty much gone over to supporting the "just buy a new one" model. The only...
5 minutes of your time - maybe 10 if you have a model that has two layers of flavorizers. But then again, if you have two layers of flavorizers,...
Gas Grill Replacement Parts & Grates | Weber Grills Weber Grill Parts for Weber Grills from Grill Parts Distributors, the Gas Grill Parts...
If any of you BBQ afficionados know of a griddle that's both reasonably priced (ie: not GrillGrates) and fits a 15" Weber Genesis series, feel...