Watching this evening's weather report looks like by Monday things around here will be frozen hard...of course I'm leaving town for three weeks...
There's an urban legend around here that someone actually went to turn in their deer tag into dnr on the goat they shot.
I sell a small amount of wood maybe 10 cord a year. Never asked for money before I arrived with the wood. In the six years since I started...
Mud season is upon us. Today I finished stacking the last of the wood I got back to the wood yard. That's all I can do back there until late...
When I was little I thought only wealthy people had those spring stoppers. Ours were all solid.
Y Yes that puddle never really dries out. Turns to mud in the driest part of summer. Think I might put some fish in it next summer.
I like it but its a thristy beast. Today I used the 250. The wood was soft and the logs that needed cut were smaller
No need to top the splitter off I barely ran since last top off. Plus its only about a facecord. Less than two hours. Well 4 hours later when the...
No need to top the splitter off I barely ran since last top off. Plus its only about a facecord. Less than two hours. Well 4 hours later when...
Its pretty light. Actually surprised at how light. Think silver maple or cherry light. And the ms250 ripped through it. Not hard like hickory.
Finally started splitting it. This is what it looks like only about a third the way done right now[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Nails , and hooks are not that uncommon, but a 18" section of 3/8" chain inbedded perfectly so you can't see it and it lined up perfectly inside...
Time for donuts and pastries [ATTACH] Thanks for calling me out I was trying to hid the donut
[ATTACH]what was left when we called it quits today. If the conveyor didn't jam that would have been processed also
After all the rain Sunday yesterday and today I beginning to think we're in fall mud season
:rofl: :lol:
Not nicked from factory. I've had it 5 years probably 120 cords. A log I was splitting had a chain in it. Didn't notice the nicks till this...
He had three people call him yesterday asking about hunting on the land. He doesn't hunt ( but he has a freezer full of venison from the people...
Had a campfire at my cousins farm last night. Woke up this morning to see this off his deck. Carroll County, Ohio[ATTACH]
I was splitting this morning and noticed several nicks on the wedge of my box store splitter. Is it worth it to grind a new edge on it being only...