Man, ya'll keep that snow:eek:
Same here. I think we may be my brothers o_O:rofl: :lol:
Same here:D
All that and a great helper:thumbs:
My OCD agrees:D
Here's a manual for ya.
They are great little saws. I restored one last year and use her quite a bit on trimming deer trails.
And a couple real good helpers:thumbs:
Agreed. Depends on the kind of wood for me.
Every time I try, it says I don't have permission. So who do I need to ask for permission:smoke:
Nice clean job. Congrats on the score:D
Paid $57 for my MAC 160S new, could not begin to tell you the date tho
Always good to see good people come out and help without even being asked. There are still good people out there. Ya'll stay safe out there:salute:
I have used orange and grapefruit peels with cloves as well. Smells everything real nice.
Nothing harder on a man than loosing a dog. She will fill that void.
Every Homelite I own idles a little high. I always thot it was just the nature of the beast.
I don't exaggerate the size of my bar:whistle:
Those noodleso_Oo_O
Quick pick up size:D
I use the intertubes for about all my parts, depending on what I'm rebuilding at that time:D