I was at 53 cords but sold off 40. I have access to about 40 more. Everything is CSS & Seasoned. I burn two a year.
Beautiful place you have there. Beech is great I like burning beech.
I was gonna say this, 036, MS360 or MS361 if you can find a good used one. I just got rid of my MS290 and replaced it with an MS260 much better...
Temporary things seem to become permanent some how. Do it right go straight up with single then get a box and go through the roof with double wall...
Yes I agree. Have tossed the wood into my truck bed with extended sides and extended tailgate many times and stacked it out again and measured to...
I like how they brag about heating oil to be down a dollar from last year. Everyone forgets heating oil prices from the 1990s at 59 cents a...
If he had 3' high sides 50% full would have been about cord tossed in. I hope he paid you well.
My neighbor said Cats hate water even if it is distilled and will probably scratch the heck out of me, so I told her to clean her own cat. The...
First off, learn how to pack your stove for 12 hour burns and don't let your wife tend to the stove, she will burn the house down. Second get a...
Very nice looking insert.