wuz'nt tryn to be a smartazz.....just sayn:confused:
Everybody needs to work on a piece of ash now and again:D.....sorry couldnt help myself..
Some wood gives up its moisture more reluctantly than others...most people can git by pretty well with 1-2 years on most hardwoods...
Nice lookin maul....proof is n da puddn:cool:
It seems like "those people" that come here kind of self deport:rofl: :lol:
Mite have to git a coupla loops of LGX..
Nice trailer dave:yes:
I like popcorn farts...:rofl: :lol:
aint fer sale:D
Nice score Tom:)
Yes....yes it is dave.....
U are soooooooo rite...:headbang:
I got a lil hickory in the kiln fer this year....heard the bugs like it too:tears:
Soooooo...its okay to help yourself to my hard work?..dont think so:mad:
Bark scales look big to me....but hell wat do i know:wacky:
I jus use a torch...
My boots are always square knot...ty em' once a day...
o_O..:loco: :crazy:..:rofl: :lol:...wat a boob..:picard: