"BOAT COVER" ..... rinse and repeat....BOAT COVER. :hair: sCabbard ( spellchecker can be your friend ):wacky:
The "$600." was a Shelter Logic replacement 14.5 oz cover for the olde CoverIt tree victim. It's made to fit the shelter. Those cheap,...
Our best to you Dennis and Judy. Unfortunately when you get to the " 3 score and ten plus" you are forbidden to say " I'm going on 80 ". Now the...
Nice job Jason. Enviable !:salute: Our Cover It, now Shelter Logic, lasted 20 years before a tree fall helped it. The replacement cover was $650....
Donations to Brad. The 500i is on the list.
Sorry, the Stihl 500i is sold with a fossil bar cover ( orange ). Scabbards are not available with this chainsaw. ( Glad some have some sense of...
500i is here in Maine. ...available N.I.B. with 20" B&C (Stihl "yellow" ) For you droolers and Stihlheads with that O.C.D., I will get one for...
Hey, saying that a cat has a life of 20 years is like.......like....." honey, I will love you in the morning.":vulture:
Not really a trick or marketing Highbeam. The life of a cat is well publicized as ~12K hours, maybe 2 years also. It's a caveat emptor kind of...
Like it. Here's another for you----- Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 2nd floor window in gold : " Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe--Law Office " ( actual...
What's the CT tax on Black Locust ? :rofl: :lol::rofl: :lol:
There you go--- 4 to 5 y.o. bathed cats still working. But how are those cats used ? The 12K hours life of a cat is based on about 12,000 hours of...
Auto correct.:faint::faint:
We'll want to know how the "new and improved" Jotul V3 cat performs over time and use. The ave. life of any cat -steel or ceramic- has always been...
Correct. ( Or, "my dog ate my homework" ). :Yar:
Sorry to hear about your wire . :rofl: :lol: But it is a happy wire. That's good.
All the above fuss with cats is why after a couple of decades with cat stoves ( not BK or Woodstock ) we now have only non cats. The cat plating (...
Our +/- 20 Y.O. Yamaha short shaft 4 HP 2 stroke for the dinghy is bomb proof. But only with a carb rebuild, impeller, and E-FREE gas. If you...
Dennis is making a winter coat from chipminks ? What's next ? Just a damp, cloudy day Downeast. When the wind dies, it's time to take in the...
Killed two ( 2 ! ) porkies with my pulp hook. How about that ? :camping: Olde fairy tale " Five in one blow ".