Hope she recovers fast Dennis. And be sure you do a clean ash pan for her . :D
When I can't do caffeine , it will be time to give up the mortal coil. It is a needed drug, at home, in country, on backpack. You Bible experts:...
Who is this policeman ? o_Oo_O"Regarded" ? Many of us have had assignments where 24/7 was the time. And 0700 H was related to nothing. Paper mill...
Another morning gold star award for Lenny !:salute: Right. Right. And right. Mark the 261, cut, rinse & repeat. Don't want or need anything on my...
Mtn Dew is a local fav in these parts along with no teeth ( note the " Maine toothbrush" joke ). High number of denturists in Maine.:pain::pain:...
Only one carb screw on this 170. Not very "adjustable" anyhow. It doesn't seem worthwhile since it runs well, to change to a fully adjustable carb...
Many of the blowdowns are softwood that break near a rotted base. They rest on the base across trails and the crown is hung up on trees opposite...
Recent windstorms always drop large dia spruce and fir across trails. They break at the lower trunk, hang up on at the crown; usually some base...
Did the MM for the trail saw MS170. It was easy. The baby sounds like my 440, without the weight, speed, or torque. No porting; the 170 is too tiny.
Door #1 for David. :Yar: Do they have "DBH" in Yooperville ? :deadhorse: HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!! :campfire:
Is that UHMW too slippery to hold a bar in a vise ? I put strips of carpet underlayment on to hold the bar securely. Is that what Glock uses ? New...
White Cedar is low grade firewood. BUT: Smells delicious fresh cut and burning. ( Some of us smell our wood stacks.) Splits easy for great...
Stump vise in the field ( a device better than sliced bread ) with a Pferd ( Stihl) 2in1 sharpener. Bench vise in the workshop with carpet under...
"Some say the world will end in fire. Some say ice. But as for my desire, Ice will suffice." ( no not Dennis but he's close. Robert Frost from VT. )
56 F in the sun. Sweat on the pits and head. I'm ready for some colder stuff. This burger thing a cheesehead phenom ?:jaw:
Burning when she says to. :salute: That is since September SS. Now it is pre winter, then winter, then.... It's our 24/7 heat; no wall thermo set...
In Donny from OK Ash butt ends you can see rot in both heart and sapwood. Once the wood begins to pooch, the BTUs are gone. Not much firewood...
Jotul air controls for the Oslo, Carrabasset, and Rangely are the same "dog house" sliding mechanism. For those non cats the slider will not close...
When we met in the late 70's she was riding a 2 stroke Yamaha 300 that smoked and sounded cool. She didn't smoke but was cool. I had my Triumph...