[ATTACH] When hydros attack. This one happened last year. Thought I had my finger behind the plate but it was in front of it instead. Mashed...
Maybe you need to go show her the difference between firewood and kindling hehehe
Yep completely out of my control but still makes ya sick
[ATTACH] Just to give an idea about what the property looked like after they created the roads through it. Now its all gone.
Welcome to rural Oklahoma lol. He had about 9 piles going at once. No houses or businesses within 1/2 a mile.
I am already licensed, Bonded and Insured lol. Pretty sure he did it out of spite. Word around about that guy is thats the kind of person he is.
Even if he needed it gone quickly so he could proceed with his building plans that would not have been a problem either. The property is less than...
So Im sitting in my office on Monday when I happen to glance out my window. I see a big cloud of smoke coming from the west. So I think to myself...
Bring your work clothes and come about 4.5 hours north into oklahoma and Ill put ya on a chainsaw and splitter lol. That would be more fun!
Agreed. Looks like alot of the cottonwoods we have around here.
Not necessarily so much that its hard to split with a hydro BUT from my experience it seems to have a ton of knots and twists in it.
Theres alot of BlackJack that grows here in Oklahoma. I try to avoid it if possible. Tough to split and TERRIBLE smell.
UGH. Wish I could help you with this. But I dont think I could swing the 5 hrs and 45 minute travel.
Merry Christmas from my family to yours![ATTACH]
Negative sir. Its all 100% Pecan.
ME ME ME!!! After the kids do their Christmas stuff we will be hitting the wood pile!!! What better way to spend the day right???
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Couple of loads from the pile in the first pics, Time to start :axe:Already have a :fire: goin to the side!:dex:
Found it on Facebook about a month ago. Been hauling off of this place ever since then. This is just one of many piles on the place!
Sorry they came in sideways. Stupid phone.
Out and about today. Probably 2-3 cords in this pile. [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]